Articles for living well,
resources for a healthy life.
Explore my library of resources with juicy information about your cycles, digestion, energy and more.
Winter weight & Painful Periods
Seasonal changes can impact reproductive hormones. Shorter daylight hours affect more than mood, your cycle really does change.
The Sacred Art of Cycle Syncing with Winter
Your period begins and enters the most introspective phase of your cycle, when your hormone levels are at their lowest.
The Hidden Hormone Disruptor
Stress is a silent but powerful hormone disruptor that is harmful to menstrual cycles and hormone balance, making PMS symptoms worse.
Toxic Tampons
A recent study done by UC Berkeley, found levels of arsenic, lead and other toxic chemicals in store brand tampons.
Vaginal Steaming
Vaginal Steaming has major benefits: uterus cleanse, fertility, pregnancy preparation, preventative health from fibroids, cysts, growths, cramps, clots, increases libido, UTI's, yeast infections, reduces heavy periods, increases light periods, regulates cycle and ovulation, balances hormones, aligns you with the moon, releases emotions, stuck feelings