Virgo Season

Which is all about health, all things that are healing, organization, and getting things done. Virgo energy is a lot about routine. Routine helps to ground, reduce overwhelm, and sustain wellness and happiness for the long term.

Virgo-ness is also about perfection. Perfection is what we’ve been trained to strive for and it’s often hard to let go of that - but here at NPN, we don’t go there when it comes to health and wellbeing. We do our best, try again tomorrow, try something new, and accept where we are at. It’s not a linear path. Going back to routine — having structure in routine helps healthy habits to form and stick. Routine does not have to be strict - allow room for flow and flexibility. That’s where the balance lies. Whatever you do, practice presence and moving with intention.

And ya’ll, thats where the magic of healing is … when you act with the intention that you are making choices that for your highest good. Your nervous system doesn’t feel threatened, instead it feels at ease, which ripples throughout your body, calming your senses and opening you up to nourishment, energy, growth, and self-love.

Here are some journal prompts for you to get organized and take intentional action:

  • Which areas can you introduce more structure and organization to support your health and well-being? Healthy eating? Self-care? Exercise? Better sleep routine?

  • How have your eating habits been lately? What changes can you make to improve your nutrition? Add a post-it note on your fridge with key foods you know help you to establish a healthy-eating routine.

  • How do you manage stress in your life? Are there specific stressors that you can identify, and what strategies can you implement to reduce them? Add them to your daily or weekly planner.

  • What are your health goals for this season? Be specific about what you want to achieve.

Please share any comments or reflections.


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